As Focus Industry, we have successfully completed the first project of 2021. We continue to work for our new...
Archive for category: News
As Focus Industry, within the scope of Regenerative Combustion System Revision of Aluminum Reverber Furnace; Automation combustion system scenario...
The maintenance, repair and combustion adjustments of the Aluminum Billet Annealing Furnace Combustion System, have been made and successfully...
We delivered the incineration system for the projects of “PLC System Proportional Controlled Vertical Ladle Heating Systems” to İdeal...
Face-to-Face Training Selection of Gas Way Luminaires and Burner According to Combustion Technologies TS EN 746-2 Gas Combustion Rules – İzeltaş Factory-2021
NewsAs Focus Academy, we started our face-to-face trainings in these days when we gradually begin to normalize. You can...
We have successfully completed another ladle heating system project together with Ideal Model Casting Systems. We like to thank...
As Focus Industry, we are very happy to introduce you to our new product. Our Focus FRB Series Regenerative...