Heat pumps; These are devices that allow us to use the energy that exists in nature that cannot be used because of its low temperature, by raising its temperature. Heat pumps perform this process, just like in air conditioners, because of the cooling cycle. In other words, there is a compressor and refrigerant circuit in the system. Air, water and soil are renewable energy sources found in nature and free of charge. The easiest to find of these energy sources is air. For this reason, air source heat pumps are mostly preferred in heat pumps today.
Air source heat pumps supplied by our company take advantage of renewable energy sources by extracting heat from the outdoor air. The system consists of a closed circuit containing refrigerant. A thermodynamic cycle is created, consisting of evaporation, compression, condensation and expansion steps.
Air as a renewable energy source
The European RES directive* recognizes air as a renewable energy source. One of the goals of this directive is to provide 20% of the total energy production need from a renewable energy source by 2020. With the revision in the 10th section of the BEP regulation, heat pumps were added to the renewable energy category in Turkey.
COP (Coefficient of Performance) or gain factor
The COP value indicates the amount of usable heat produced by the heat pump for each kWh of electricity used. This value depends on the indoor and outdoor temperature.
It operates 5 times more efficiently than a conventional heating system based on fossil fuels or electricity and offers an excellent coefficient of performance (COP) of 5.04*. By using the heat in the outside air, you will consume less energy and continue to experience a high level of comfort without interruption. In addition, the operating cost is minimal as the maintenance requirement is very low. With inverter compressor technology, your energy savings will be much higher.
How Do Heat Pumps Do Heating and Cooling?
Heat pump systems generate energy from ambient heat by reverse recycle, using a refrigerator-like principle. While a refrigerator cools its interior volume, it transmits hot air to the outside. An air source heat pump brings the heat from the ambient air to your rooms.
Specifically, the heat drawn from the sources is transferred to a heat exchanger (evaporator) mounted on the heat pump. At this point, the physical state of the refrigerant circulating in the cycle changes with the energy it receives from the source, and evaporation occurs even at low temperatures. This fluid, which is in the gas phase, is then compressed by a compressor to raise it to a level that can be used for heating and hot water production. After this stage, heat is transferred from the fluid at high temperature and pressure to the heating and hot water circuits in your home, again through a heat exchanger (condenser). Due to their highly effective and efficient design, these solutions can generate heat even when the temperature outside is as low as -15°C.
Heat pumps, which provide space heating in winter, can also be used as a cooling system in summer with the opposite cycle. Thus, you will benefit from a versatile technology that can help you enjoy the comfort of home throughout the year.
How Efficient is a Heat Pump?
Heat pumps can help reduce carbon emissions and can be an excellent alternative to traditional heating systems, especially as they use heat from the environment around you.
The efficiency of a heat pump in heating is calculated as COP, which stands for Coefficient of Performance.
COP is the rate of useful heating provided for the required work, thus showing how efficient the heat pump is. For example, if a heat pump uses one kW of electricity and then produces four kW of heat, the COP is four. The higher the COP, the more efficient the heat pump. Likewise, its efficiency in cooling is expressed by a coefficient called EER.