Gas Burner is a device that creates a mixture that will provide controlled and efficient combustion of air and fuel. The general principle of these devices; is to increase the combustion efficiency, to reach ideal combustion conditions, to prevent environmental pollution and to save energy. In the design of the burner, the type should be determined according to the characteristics of the combustion chamber, taking into account both the working principle and the characteristics of the control system.

Groups of Natural Gas Burners According to Working Principle

– Atmospheric Burner
– Blown Burner

Atmospheric Gas Burners

This type of burner; During the expansion of the pressurized natural gas in a nozzle, it is mixed with the primary (primary) air it absorbs from its surroundings with the principle of injection, and the thermally generated heat is burned with the secondary (secondary) air that it absorbs from under the open burner instead of rising gases.

Blown Burners

In Atmospheric Burners, pressurized natural gas is sprayed at high speed from multiple nozzles into the air stream they are in. Air is forced by a fan. Air and gas are mixed at high speed, and sent to the combustion chamber by giving rotational movement in the turbulator. Combustion occurs in front of the turbulator and inside the combustion chamber. The task of the turbulator here is to provide combustion stability and to prevent the backfire of the flame. In blown burners, the fan both provides the combustion air and overcomes the combustion chamber counter pressure. For this reason, this type of burner can be mounted on the heat generator in any position and is used in a wide variety of heat generators.

Natural Gas Burners Are Divided Into Three Main Groups According to Control Type:

1 – According to Capacity Control,
2 – According to Flame Control,
3 – Gas Burners According to Ignition Method

1.Natural Gas Burners by Capacity Control:

International standards have determined the control method of the capacity. These standards determine how the burner works to its capacity value.

1.1. Single Stage Natural Gas Burners

This type of burners is adjusted once depending on the heat absorbed and ensures that the same amount of fuel is burned continuously. The burner works as ON – OFF. Only a first start-up measure can be set. Max. 350 kW. is used up to capacity.

1.2. Two Stage Natural Gas Burners:

This type of burners, depending on the heat absorbed can work on max. and min. load max.  It is activated at load and depending on the heat requirement, goes to max. load. This type of burner activates without pulse. It can be used up to max. 1200 kW capacity.

1.3. Proportional Controlled Burners:

They are the burners with the most expensive control system. This type of burners automatically adjusts the burner capacity according to the changing load in industrial facilities where the heat load is constantly changing. This type of burners max. up to 20% of its capacity. Standards require capacity over 1200 kW.

2.Natural Gas Burners According to Flame Control:
This is a necessary system for the safety of the combustion system. It must be used except for the non-stop working burner. It secures the system in case of first burning or burning cut.

2.1. Ultraviolet Control System:

It is mandatory to use in burners over 1000 kW.

2.2. Ionization Control System:

This type of control is used up to 1000 kW capacity.

2.3. Control with Thermo Electric System:

It is used in atmospheric burners up to max. 120 kW capacity, in burners where the pilot flame is not cut off.

2.4. Photoresistance Control System:

Since it is affected by the light intensity, it can not be used in natural gas burners because there is no yellow flame.  It is used only in solid and liquid fuel burners.

3.Gas Burners by Ignition Method
Depending on the capacity of the gas burners and the process situation, ignition can be done. These are;

with torch stick; With the manual ignition method; Ignition of the pilot flame by manual or magneto ignition (atmospheric burners); It is made with an automatic transformer and a large-capacity pre-pilot flame.

Gas Burners by Type of Gas Burned:

Alternative fuels are used in the selection of the burner suitable for the process. Increasing the fuel type increases the burner cost. Accordingly, there are three type of burners:

  1. Single Fuel Burners:

This type of gas burners has the feature of burning all flammable gases. The combustion setting is changed depending on the pressure and flow rate of the combustion air.

2. Dual Fuel Burners: (gas+liquid; gas+solid):
These types are capable of burning diesel in small capacities from liquid fuel, fuel-oil in large capacities, and also burning coal or sawdust from solid fuels together with natural gas or separately.

3. Multi Fuel Burners: (gas+liquid+solid):
In these types with large capacity, natural gas, fuel-oil and coal dust are burned simultaneously. The load adjustment in the process is made with the easiest burning natural gas. According to the production style, natural gas burners can be manufactured according to the workplaces depending on the constructive structure of the burners. These fall into three groups:

1 – Domestic Natural Gas Burners
2 – Industrial Type Natural Gas Burners
3 – Industrial Type Natural Gas Process Burners

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